
SEO Page Title: Get More Leads for Your Functional Medicine Practice

Meta description: Drive quality traffic to your functional medicine practices with valuable content, lead magnets, and effective landing pages. Schedule a free consultation today.

Odds are, you have a functional medicine practice but can’t seem to nail those prospective patients that search online for “Clinics near me.” What you need to do is use functional medicine marketing to attract quality leads and jump ahead of your competition.

Building a Strong Marketing Funnel

You will start seeing a steady stream of quality leads after creating a strong marketing funnel for your functional medicine practice. Begin your funnel by thinking of all the ways prospects can discover your practice online. For example, people likely learn about your business via a simple Google search, a referral on social media, or the ads you run on Google, Facebook, and YouTube. Once you’ve identified these traffic sources, make sure your business has a strong presence on each platform or browser.

The next step is to direct users to your functional medicine marketing content and offers. You’ll need an optimized landing page where they can learn about your practice and how you can solve their health problems. Share the links to your landing pages on social media, ads, and affiliate sites. If landing page visitors are pleased, they’ll call to schedule a free initial consultation or request more information. Voila! You’ve just captured a lead.

Of course, having abundant leads without closing sales is not a strong business strategy. A nicely designed website with polished content or a vibrant Facebook page with a high social engagement won’t mean much without revenue. In the next section, we’ll talk about converting leads to sales.

Functional Medicine Marketing Strategy that Convert Leads

Studies show that 50% of functional medicine leads end up going with the practice that reaches out first. There are several reasons why this is true. One reason is that quick responses make your functional medicine practice appear professional and organized. The other reason is that prompt, satisfactory answers show you are knowledgeable and ready to help. Remember that you’re competing with other functional practitioners to provide the most prompt and helpful information. If your functional medicine practice is the first proactive to provide them with the information they need, you’re more likely to convert a sale.

Automation can speed up your response time and boost your lead generation efforts. Once a prospect sends a message or schedules a consultation or a call, send a responder email thanking them for reaching out, share a link where they can get more info, and let them know when they can expect a personal follow-up. So, make autoresponders part of your digital marketing strategy.

The faster you respond, the higher your chance of converting a lead generated via your online form. Five minutes is better than 15 minutes. If you think your sales funnel is sloppy, refine it so you can close deals faster for your practice.

Understanding Your Functional Medicine Practice Niche

Different functional medicine practitioners have different value propositions. What’s yours? You might notice that some aspects of your practice are better suited to driving sales through health marketing than others. Do you offer flexible online services? Are your prices more attractive than your competitors’ prices? Perhaps you focus on a specific therapy not offered by your run-of-the-mill functional medicine provider.

The good thing about finding and focusing on a niche is that it enables you to research competitors, uncover what they’re doing, find gaps, and figure out ways of doing things better or differently. Not only does this reduce competition, but it’s likely to yield better and greater ROI.

Discovering your niche is also essential in streamlining your funnel, aligning your messaging, and fine-tuning your sales process. In addition, once you succeed with one aspect of your business, you can replicate it in other specialties to reach more people and attract clients.

Refining Your Medical Marketing Strategy

Obtaining feedback from patients about your services and your marketing/sales team is critical in functional medicine marketing. It’s the only way you’ll know why something isn’t working. Spend time and money finding out whether you’re attracting your ideal leads, offering great content, setting the right prices, and conveying clear information to prospects.

Even the best functional medicine marketing strategies need modification from time to time to drive more traffic. You’ll have to check and evaluate your patient education portals, adjust email marketing tactics, and build on your SEO strategy. Run split tests to see what works in your niche for a particular segment.

It’s easy for your functional medicine practice to get stuck in the first gear if you can’t figure out who the ideal patients are. Can you answer questions related to where they come from, what they need, or what kind of experiences they enjoy? If you can answer these questions, it’ll be easier to develop an effective marketing strategy and streamline the sales process to address their pain points.

We have helped many health professionals generate quality leads and nurture prospects – and we  can do the same for you. We offer robust and proven solutions that are designed to help functional medical practitioners like you scale up their lead generation efforts online.

Helping Functional Medicine Practices Grow

Our functional medicine marketing services start with a website evaluation to determine how best to grow your functional medicine practice. Our conversion rate optimization (CRO) experts will look at user experience, accessibility, content robustness, and mobile readiness. Next, we’ll create a local SEO strategy that helps you jump ahead of your competitors in Google, Bing, or Yahoo. Our web design agency approaches SEO and online marketing from four angles: on-page, off-page, technical, and local.

It’s crucial for your medical practice to show up within local search results.

When someone searches for “Functional medicine near me,” search engines will use their location to recommend the nearest functional medical practice. If your website doesn’t feature in the first page results, it needs improvement in the four areas of SEO. We create and implement a robust inbound marketing strategy that boosts the visibility of your functional medicine practice on search engines and social media so you can attract free traffic and convert visitors into new patients.

Work with a Top Marketing Agency

Contact Functional Med Marketing to schedule a free consultation. Our strategy session will help you uncover gaps in your content marketing and ways you can generate a steady flow of new customers for your functional medicine services.